Keyavi 2.4

Keyavi Version 2.4.2

Release date: January 2024

What's New

Ultralarge Files

Keyavi now supports protectingClosed The process of encrypting a file and tying access policies to it so that authorized users can access the data securely based on restrictions set by the data owner. ultra-large files up to one terabyte.

Media Files

You can now use Keyavi to protect your creative media assets, including avi, mp4, wmv, mpeg, and mpg.

Platform-level Geovalidation

Keyavi further tightens security by extending the geolocationClosed The ability to track a device’s physical whereabouts down to latitude and longitude coordinates, or more practically, a physical address, using GPS, cell phone towers, WiFi access points and IP address lookup, or a combination of these. validation performed when you encryptClosed The process of protecting a file and tying access policies to it so that authorized users can access the data securely based on restrictions set by the data owner. or decryptClosed The process of opening a protected, encrypted file and transforming it back into its original, accessible form for authorized users based on policies set for that file. files to the entire platform. We validate the geolocation of each interaction with Keyavi, whether accessing the Portal, a Keyavi app, or making an API call. As part of the expanded geovalidationClosed Access validation ensuring that a device's geolocation is in compliance with data access policies that define permissible geolocation boundaries, determined using a variety of configurable parameters such as country, state, zip code, street address, and latitude/longitude., we’ve released a new endpoint that provides detailed forensics for each interaction with Keyavi.

Known Limitations

If you encounter a false positive caused by an OWASP Core Ruleset-enabled Web Application Firewall (WAF) during protect actions when using Keyavi Web, do one of the following:

  • Adjust the OWASP paranoia level and threshold.

  • Add a WAF exception to bypass specific false positives for endpoints.

Keyavi Version 2.4.1

Release date: December 2023

The 2.4.1 release includes security improvements to 2.4.0. Updating is recommended.

Keyavi Version 2.4.0

Release date: September 2023

What's New

Keyavi Standard Configuration with Consumer Support

Keyavi Standard Configuration with Consumer Support extends support for external recipients. You can share files with external recipients who have emails from supported social platforms, including Microsoft, Apple, and Google.

The sign-in experience for this configuration is the same for all users, whether they are internal to your organization or external.

  • External recipients will sign in with their social accounts and open the files shared with them in Read-only mode. External users cannot protect files or access the Portal, so the Protect and Manage menu items in the apps are disabled for them.

  • Internal users will sign in with their company email (the top button below) and can protect files, authorize external users to access their files, open files, and access the portal. Internal users can create new external users in the Portal to share protected files.

Keyavi Samples

Use sample code to get a jump-start on integrating the Keyavi Audit and Forensics APIs with other tools and technologies. We’re providing sample code and instructions to set up an integration that checks the Audit and Forensics logs in Keyavi and exports the data to a Microsoft Log Analytics workspace. You can use the sample code to further integrate that data with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools like Microsoft Sentinel.

API Improvements

You can easily correlate Keyavi user activities with events in other systems that are integrated with the Keyavi Audit & Forensics API. The PayloadClosed A database entry that carries metadata, access rules, and codes to make possible the protection and controlled sharing of data by authorized users according to the data owner's policies. Payloads enable granular data protection without moving data outside the organization's control. and Full Payload endpoints now include two new fields: user identity management provider (IdP) name and user’s IdP uuid.

Bug Fixes

  • Keyavi Mobile Read-only user no longer need elevated permissions to sign in.

  • In some cases, when a time embargo policy was set for a file, users would lose access before time embargo time had elapsed. Now users have access to the files until during the entire time window allowed by the policy.

  • In the Portal, Chain of Custody/Policy audit trail date time labels indicated UTC but displayed local time. Now all the columns containing time value are displayed in your local time zone.

  • When using multiple environments and profiles in the same browser session, it took multiple clicks to sort columns in tables in the Keyavi Portal. Keyavi now works as expected in this scenario.

  • When using the Keyavi Desktop app as a Read-only user, any attempt to protect a file from the Windows right-click menu caused the app to shut down. Now these attempts result in an Access Error message.